If you are an alumna/alumnus or parent who would like to post jobs or internships for Pitzer students and alumni, fill out the form below. Once your opportunity is submitted, please allow up to 48 hours for it to be posted on ClaremontConnect, our online database.

  • Please share a one-minute video that represents your work after your time in Media Studies at The Claremont Colleges. This can be in the form of single-channel video, documentation of work, your thoughts about yourself, Media Studies or your work since graduation, or an excerpt of something you made or worked on. This video will be part of a screening during our 20th Anniversary Party as well as serve as part of our online archive. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing your submission!

    Please limit your video to 60 seconds or less, and feel free to supply urls or other ways to access the larger work, or more of your work, in the fields below. SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS 3/11/16. Thank you!

  • Title information to play before your video.
  • This information will not be shared.
  • Compression guidelines for loading to Vimeo*: H.264 native frame rate bit rates: SD 2,000-5,000 720P 5,000-10,000 resolution: SD: 640x480 HD 720P: 1080x720 AAC-LC data rate 320kbit sample rate 48KHz *please visit vimeo.com for more information