List the city and state where the event will be held.
Indicate top 2 preferred locations for your event or events team recommended location.
Please let us know which location has been reserved for your event.
Aside from the typical information collected at registration (name, contact info, class year, etc.), please list any special information that needs to be collected (i.e. wheelchair access needed, dietary restrictions, apparel sizes).
A prompt for a donation to the Pitzer Annual Fund will be included. The default text is: "Impact student experiences, and make a gift to the Pitzer Fund." If you prefer to use different text or a different account, please indicate below.
Please include URL if you wish for registrants to be redirected to a website after registering.
This will be the subject line for your email (i.e. Pitzer College Alumni Weekend).
You can choose which “from” name to use for email distribution (i.e. Office of Alumni Relations, a personal name).
Please provide a brief message for an automated email that will send to the registrant to confirm their registration. Registration details will follow below this message and cannot be modified.
If there are any other details you wish to share about your event, please let us know in this field.