An Incomplete may be given at the instructor’s discretion ONLY under the following circumstances:
1. A majority of all course requirements to date has been completed. 2. The student’s work to date is passing. 3. Attendance has been satisfactory. 4. An illness or other extenuating circumstance legitimately prevents completion of required work by the due date. (In cases of illness, the instructor may request verification by a medical practitioner.) 5. The Incomplete is not based solely on a student’s failure to complete work or as a means of improving a grade by doing additional work after the grade report time. 6. The instructor completes and submits the form, Assigning an Incomplete, and includes the default grade to be assigned if the work is not completed by the due date. The default grade is based on the portion of the coursework already completed, factoring in uncompleted work.
Students on Academic Probation are not permitted to take any incompletes.
Final coursework is due to the instructor on the first day of classes of the following semester unless an earlier completion date is set by the instructor. Instructors will be requested to submit a final grade for the Incomplete during the second week of classes of that following semester.
For more information see the Pitzer College Catalog; Academic Policies.